
动态新闻2022-12-15 06:23:59自考头条


1、Dear me! Just _____ at the time! I _____ no idea it was so late,a,look,have B,looking,had C,look,had,looking,have2," what’shis name " " ”a、forget B、forgot C、had forgotten D、am forgetting3、your mother _ _ _ " say that to us that day,a、does B、did C、am newmedicinesandinstruments _ _ everydaytoextendliving are being developed c、are developing D、have developed5、I _ _ _ _ _ _ are didn’tquitecatation don’tquitecatchc、hadn’tquitecaughtd、can’tquitecatch 6、IfeelsureI___herbeforesomewhere they haven’tarrivedyetbutwe _ _ _ thematanymoment,a,are expected B,have expected C,are expecting D, are expected b " isupposeyou _ _ _ _ thatreportyet " ifinishedityesterday,as a matter of fact," a,didn’tfinishb,haved wasn’tfinishing 9," when he _ _ _ _ " " but when he _ _ _,he will be warmly weled," a,es,es B,will e,will e C The bridge” needs repairing,a,is dated from B,was dated from C,dates from D,dated from11,ihadhopedtoseeheroffatthestation had been C、would be D、would have been12、you _ _ yourturnsoyou’llhavetowave are missing d、had missed13、ileftmypenontheded who _____ it A、took B、has taken C、will take D、had taken14、you’llneverguesswhoimettoday-myoldteacher! We _____ for 20 years,a,don’tme etb,haven’TM etc,hadn’tme TD,couldn’t meet 15,ithinkyoumustbemistakenakenabobot has been D,had been16,—don’tputthewasteontheground,—Oh, I’mverysorry、I _____the dustbin there、a、don’tseeb、isn’tsee INGC、didn’tseed、haven’tsee 17, —howistheweatherinyourcountrythissummer—it _ _ _ asmuchasitdoesnowforalongtime,a,hasn’trainedb,doesn’trainedb —Does Liu Hui serve in the army —No,buthe__inthearmyforthreeyears,a,served B,has served C,is serving D,would serve 19,19 I’llpostc,forgot; I’mgoingtopostd,forget; I’d better post 20,Unfortunately,when I dropped in,Professor Smith _____,so we only had time for a few words,a,HasJust




