
总结心得2022-12-05 12:02:41jack























dear tourists, hello, i'm glad to serve you today. my name is liu? you cancall me xiao? or you can call me liu guide. my phone number is , andthe license plate number of this car is yue a7654321. please remember to preventfalling behind. today, e are going to visit the grand sanba memorial archay inmacao. i hope you can leave a good memory in the grand sanba memorialarchay.

st. paul's church is attached to st. paul's college, hich as founded in1594 and ended in 1762. it is the first estern university in the far e there ere to fires in 1595 and 1601, a fire in 1835 destroyed thechurch, leaving only the front all, most of the foundation and the steps infront of the church. because the front all of the church looks like a chinesearchay, it is called the da san ba archay.

no, please come to the bus ith me. look? this building is really the top is a triangular roof, symbolizing the call to the heavenly is a hite dove in the middle, around the sun, moon and stars, indicatingthe status of god. there are more than 30 columns in the rectangular buildingbelo. on the surface, there are not only many exquisite sculptures, but alsovarious statues, such as the virgin mary, jesu and the mother of starfishtelling all kinds of stories, like a beautiful painting.

enter the bus, hich is the former hall, no there are only some bigpillars of the foundation, a little regret. go up the steps on the right andstand on the high platform of the choir. most of the scenery of the square belois in the eye, and behind it is the palace.

inside is the tomb hall. hen you visit, you must be serious. if you antto experience the religious atmosphere of this place, you need to see thesacrificial sandalood on the marble. next door is the catholic art museum, ithpictures, carvings and decorations on display. it's all from the 16th to the19th century.

tourists, do you think the bus is beautiful? if you think it is, i hope youill come again next time.

hen e get to hong kong, macao ill definitely not let it go. hen you goto macao, you can't miss the grand 38 memorial archay.

the da sanba memorial archay as originally a cathedral. she caught fireseveral times, one for ten hours. the last time it as burned like this.

hy is there another side that hasn't been burned? it turns out that thedashanba memorial archay as built by chinese and japanese craftsmen using themagic skill of ghost axe. hen i ent to see her, she as very old. hundreds ofyears after burning, the original bodhisattva is still there. i don't kno homany of them still keep their original appearance.

there are many basements beside the memorial archay. but no it's allburied in the earth. the security guard guards them and forbids visitors tovisit. so i can only stand outside the cordon, looking at the bleak castle ofthe past. the basement is surrounded by the bus. she has only one side, like aall. it is said that she as the most luxurious church in asia at thattime!

fortunately, standing here and seeing the cathedral ith only one allleft, i feel very much. if the historic site ith a long history had notsuffered a catastrophe, ho magnificent it ould be no.

let's talk about macao. although macao is small, it has many historicsites. in this small place, it used to be only 4.7 square kilometers, but no itis buried in the sea, expanding to 28.4 square kilometers. it can be said thatmacao is only a city as big as tiananmen square, ith a population of at least 1million. no, macao has only 520000 people. and macao is one country, tosystems. hen china exercises sovereignty, macao people manage themselves.

in a ord, e should protect historic sites and ancient cities. leave afile of civilization for our future generations.



