
作文评语2022-12-16 22:05:08英语帮


  • adj. 高的,高度为…的,富含…的,重要的,显赫的,先进的,全盛的,不新鲜的,崇高的,兴奋的,有醉意的;
  • n. 最高点,反气旋,兴奋,学校名;
  • adv. 在高处,高,大,音调高;
  • 复数:highs;
  • 比较级:higher;
  • 最高级:highest;
  • 相关单词 andhighbe held in particularly highbe piled mountain highdevicehighextrahighfly highforethighhigh qualityhigh and far spacehigh and lowhigh and mighty airs 例句
    • My high school English teacher was close to me. She was almost my best friend. 我中学的英语老师与我关系很密切, 她几乎是我最好的朋友。
    • He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it. 他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去。
    • Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high. 失业数字仍然顽固地居高不下。
    • High-rise buildings proved a social disaster. 高层建筑证明是个社会灾难。
    • high-rise apartment blocks 高层住宅楼
    • a block of high-rise flats 一栋高层公寓楼
    • A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide. 涨潮把许多垃圾冲上了岸。
    • We set sail at high tide. 我们在涨潮时启航。
    • No matter how high one’s position,he must never be a law unto himself. 无论一个人的职位有多高,都绝对不能独断专行。
    • She wore tight trousers and high-heeled mules. 她穿紧身裤和拖鞋式高跟鞋。



