
作文评语2022-12-16 22:15:34英语帮


  • num. 第八;
  • n. 八分之一;
  • 复数:eighths;
  • 相关单词 Eighth grade syndromeeighth.eighthdatabaseeighthlyeighths 例句
    • A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank. 卒子在到达第八横格时自动升级。
    • He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighth lap. 他进入第八圈时便开始冲刺。
    • He assumed command of the Eighth Army. 他统率着第八军。
    • The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world. 这座宮殿已被誉为世界第八大奇观。
    • The eighth at Banff is one of the world’s great golf holes. 班夫的第8 高尔夫球洞是世界上最棒的高尔夫球洞之一。
    • Felice Ramirez weighed 200 pounds when she started eighth grade in Victoria, Texas, three years ago. 费利丝-拉米雷斯3年前在得克萨斯州的维多利亚开始上8年级的时候,她的体重就已经达到200磅.
    • The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders. 所有七、八年级的学生均可观看此剧。
    • For Alex being an eighth - grader is an exciting thing. 对于亚历克斯来说,成为八年级学生是一件激动人心的事.
    • There was a peaceful pitch invasion after Milan's eighth goal. 米兰队攻入第八粒进球后,观众有序地涌进球场。
    • Canopy with brick tower Corbel Shi Sanceng out, bottom - up four - and eighth - out water chestnut son of teeth. 塔檐用砖砌叠涩挑出十三层, 从下往上四层和第八层挑出菱角牙子.



